
Divine Rayys

Reiki is a combination of two words which in itself contains a wonderful world. It comprises of a unique power, a miraculous energy.

Reiki is derived from the two Japanese words ” Rei ” meaning *Life force energy present in this entire Universe* and ” Ki ” means Life Force Energy* present within us. 

In today’s stressfull, hectic and troublesome life Reiki is alleged to aid relaxation,  leads to such a path by which we can fulfill overall well being of our lives that is spiritual, mental, physical or emotional.

Reiki is a word for the cosmic healing energy which is known by different names in different countries like Life Energy, Ki Energy or Chi Energy.

The word Reiki is derived from the Japanese language which was traced back by Dr. Mikao Usui.

Reiki is a form of Alternative and Natural Healing Therapy referred to as Energy Healing. It is a Japanese word which means life energy and this energy is present within all living beings and our life exist on this energy.

In Reiki Therapy, treatment is done by the Reiki practitioners by placing their palms gently on the recipient’s body or just above the body and so it falls into the category of Touch Therapy. Reiki energy flows from the palms of the hands of the Reiki healer, which when touched helps in healing himself or the other person.

We fall sick due to obstruction in life energy where there has been physical injury or possibly emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness. Reiki helps us in healing or removing these blockages.

Reiki can also eliminate or heal our illness which occurs on the physical level, mental level or emotional level and thus we can lead a happy life.

Reiki is one of the most vital method of healing modality among all the other non –  traditional medical method. It has a variety of degrees after learning these degrees one can also perform distance healing.


Benefits of Reiki

1. Reiki heals physical and mental ailments quickly.

2.  Arthritis, acidity, asthma, fever can be healed very quickly through Reiki.

3. This Reiki energy shows very fast healing effects in headache, body ache, pain in extremities and menstrual problems.

4. It provides quick relief in healing wounds and in case of burns.

5. it gives complete peace in disorders like depression, stress and anxiety.

6. It is used to increase digestive system, physical growth and appetite

7. Blood pressure, joint pain shoulder pain, sciatica can be positively benefited through Reiki.

8. Reiki reduces the side effects of medicines.

9. Reiki works very fast to lead you into deep meditation.

10. Through Reiki the chakras of our body can be balanced and the energy of chakras can be positively charged.

11. Work power and the workplace environment can be made pleasant.

12. Any place can be filled with positive energy by removing all negative energy.

13. Positive thinking can be increased and intellectual development is done.

14. Reiki is very effective in holistic development of children like concentration, memory, retention etc.

15. Relationships can be healed through Reiki.

16. Intuition and inner consciousness can be developed through Reiki.

17. Almost all types of minor and major illness or diseases can be cured through Reiki.

18. We can achieve spiritual and intellectual evolution through Reiki.

19. Through Reiki we can easily achieve our life goals or purpose of life.

20. Reiki works on physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual body which has many benefits.

21. The distress of past memories can be healed through Reiki.

22. Through Reiki our future can be programmed.

23. Through Reiki *Distance Healing* can also be done.

24. Bad habits can be eradicated.

25. Business growth,  promotion in the job, getting new job, starting a new business is possible through Reiki.

26. Anyone can achieve enlightenment by diluting ego through Reiki.

27. Aura can be cleaned and can be expanded, can be made positive and powerful through positive affirmations, Reiki healing or healing meditations.

Apart from these there are many other benefits of Reiki.

*Degrees of Reiki*

There are total *4 degrees* of Reiki are considered.

Degrees of Reiki

1. In the  First Degree, patients can be treated by touching them through Reiki energy.

2. In the Second Level,  distance healing is done by Reiki energy through some symbols and due to the increased power of Reiki energy more healing can be done in less time.

3. In the Third Level of Reiki, the evolution of spiritual consciousness takes place and practitioner is trained in different modalities of healing.

4. In the  Fourth Level, Reiki Master is created who can also give attunement to other new practitioners.

How to learn Reiki

Reiki is a very simple and easy technique of healing. Its First Degree can be learned within 12 to 16 hours during 2 day’s camp.

We can learn Second degree,  21 days after the first degree.

We can learn Third and Fourth degrees, 21 days after the second degree.

Learning Reiki is very easy, it does not require any physical or spiritual preparation. Reiki can be learned by a Reiki Master. You become a Reiki Channel through the process of Attunement given by a Reiki Master.

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